Jeux |
Jaquettes |
K7/D7 |
Manuel |
Tests |
Pub |
Screenshot |
Autre |
10th Frame |
180 |
1942 |
1943 |
3 As : La malediction de Thaar, Gorbaf, Graph Pack |
3D Boxing |
3D Chess - Cyrus II Chess |
3D Fight |
3D Grand Prix |
3D Invaders - La 3eme Dimension |
3D Monster Chase |
3D Pool |
3D STarfighter |
3D Starstrike |
3D Stunt Rider |
4 Aces : Fighter Pilot, Night Gunner, TT Racer, Tomahawk |
6 Computer hits 4 |
720 Degrees |
A view to a kill |
.gif) |
Ace of ACes |
Activator |
Admiral Graf Spee |
Advanced Pinball Simulator |
Alien 8 |
Alien Break-in - Les envahisseurs de l'audela |
Altered Beast |
Alternative World Games |
America's Cup Challenge |
Amstrad Gold Hits |
Amstrad Gold Hits II |
Android One |
Animal, Vegetable, Mineral |
Arkanoid |
Arkanoid - Revenge of Doh |
Army Moves |
Arnhem |
Atom Smasher |
Auf Wiedersehen Monty |
Australian Rulez Football |
Avenger |
Back to Reality |
Back to the future |
Bactron |
Bad Dudes Vs. Dragon Ninja |
.gif) |
Badlands |
Ball Breaker |
Ball Crazy |
Ballblazer |
Barbarian |
Barbarian 2 |
Barry McGuigan World Championship Boxing |
Batman - The caped Crusader |
Batman - The Movie |
.gif) |
Beach Head |
Beach Head 2 |
Best of Elite Vol.2 : Paperboy, Ghost'n Goblins, Battle Ship, Bomb Jack 2 |
Beyond the Ice Palace |
Big Trouble in little china |
Biggles |
Black Tiger |
Blasteroids |
Blockbusters |
BMX SImulator |
Bobsleigh |
Bomb Jack |
Bomb Jack 2 |
Booty |
Bored of the rings |
Boulder Dash 3 |
Bounty Bob Strikes Back ! |
Boxing Manager |
Braxx Bluff |
Breakthru |
Bridge-it |
Bruce Lee |
.gif) |
Bubble Bobble |
Buggy Boy |
Butcher Hill |
Cabal |
Captain America |
Castle Master (+ The Crypt) |
Cauldron |
Cauldron 2 |
Cavemania |
Championship Basketball |
Championship Jet Ski Simulator |
Championship Sprint |
Chess Master 2000 |
Chevy Chase |
Chikin Chase |
Chimera |
Chuckie Egg |
Classic Muncher |
Climb-It |
Cobra - Stallone |
Cobra Pinball |
Codename MAT |
Codename MAT II |
Colony |
Combat School |
Commando |
Cybernoid |
Cybernoid 2 |
Daley Thompson - Decathlon |
Daley Thompson - Super Test |
Dan Dare - Pilot of the future |
Dandy |
Danger Mouse in Double Trouble |
Dark Sceptre |
Dark Side |
Dark Star |
Deactivators |
Death or Glory |
Death Wish 3 |
Defend or Die |
Defi au Tarot |
Deflektor |
Demons Revenge |
Desert Rats |
Devil's Castle |
Dizzy ! |
Dizzy Panic |
Don't Panic |
Double Dragon |
Double Dragon III |
Dr Doom's Revenge |
Dr Scrimes Spook School |
Dragon Spirit |
Dragon's Lair |
Dragon's Lair 2 - Escape From Singe's Castle |
Dream Warrior |
Dun Darach |
Dynamic Duo |
Dynamite Dux |
Dynasty Wars |
E-Motion |
Easi Amsword |
Elite (Gold Edition) |
Enduro Racer |
Escape from the planet of robot monsters |
Exolon |
Explorer |
Fairlight |
Fantasia Diamond |
Fantasy World Dizzy |
Fer et Flamme |
Feud |
Fighter Pilot |
Fighting Warrior |
Finders Keepers |
Flash |
Flash Gordon |
Flight Simulator |
Flimbo's Quest |
Fly Spy |
Flying Shark |
Foot |
Football Manager |
Footballer of the year |
Forest at worlds end |
Forgotten Worlds |
Formula 1 Simulator |
Frank Bruno Boxing |
Freddy Hardest |
Frost Byte |
Fruit Machine |
Future Knight |
Galactic Conqueror |
.gif) |
Galaxy Force |
Galvan |
Game Over |
Gary Linekers Hotshot! |
Gauntlet |
Gauntlet 2 |
.gif) |
Gee Bee Air Rally |
Gemini Wing |
Genesis - The Complete Aventure Creation System |
Geoff Capes Strongman |
Geographie - Marche commun |
Ghost'n Goblins |
GhostBusters |
GhostBusters II |
Ghouls'n ghosts |
Golden 7 : Une selection de 7 logiciels de jeux |
Gothik |
Grand Prix 500cc |
Grand Prix Circuit |
.gif) |
Grand Prix Driver |
Green Beret |
.gif) |
Gremlins |
Grumpy Gumphrey Supersleuth |
Gryzor |
Guadalcanal |
Guerrilla War |
Gun Star |
Gyroscope |
Hacker |
Handicap Golf |
Hard Drivin |
Harrier Attack |
Head over Heels |
Heavy Metal |
Highlander |
Highway Encounter |
.gif) |
Hijack |
Hive |
Hotshot |
How to be a hero |
Hunchback |
Hunter Killer |
Hydrofool |
Hyper Sports |
IK+ |
Ikari Warriors |
Imagination |
Impossaball |
Impossible Mission |
Impossible Mission 2 |
.gif) |
Indiana Jones and the temple of Doom |
Infernal Runner |
Inside Outing |
International Karate |
International Rugby |
International Rugby Simulator |
Into Oblivion |
Into the Eagle Nest |
Invasion Galactique |
It's a Knockout |
Jack The Nipper 2 |
Jail Break |
Jet set willy - Final Frontier |
Jetsons |
Johnny Reb 2 |
Jump Jet |
Kane |
Karnov |
Kentilla |
Kick Off |
Kick Off 2 |
Kingdom of Speldome |
Klax |
Knight Lore |
Knight Tyme |
Knightmare |
Konami Coin-Up Hits |
Konami s Golf |
Kong Strikes Back |
Kung-Fu Master |
Kwik Snax |
L apprenti Sorcier |
L'arche du captain Blood |
La bataille de Midway |
La bosse des maths 5eme |
Last Duel |
Le 5eme Axe |
.gif) |
Le maitre des ames |
Le mystere de Kikekankoi |
Leader Board |
Led Storm |
Leviathan |
Lightforce |
Live and let die |
Loco-Motion |
M'enfin |
Macadam Bumper |
Mach 3 |
Magicland Dizzy |
Magnum Light Phaser |
Mandragore |
Mange cailloux |
Manic Miner |
Marauder |
Marble Madness |
Mask |
Master Chess |
Master Chess (Echec et mat) |
.gif) |
Master of the lamp |
Masters of the universe |
Match Day |
Match Day II |
Mathasard (Educatif 4) |
Meltdown |
Message from Andromeda |
Metaplex |
Metrocross |
Miami Vice |
Mickael Jackson - Moonwalker |
Mickey Mouse |
Micro Scrabble |
Midnight Resistance |
MIG 29 - Soviet Fighter |
Milk Race |
Mission Genocide (ZtB) |
MLM 3D (Invasion de la lune) |
Molecule Man |
Momie Blues |
Monopoly |
Motor Massacre |
Movie |
Mr Freeze |
Myth - History in the making |
N.O.M.A.D |
Nebulus |
Nemesis |
Nemesis - The Warlock |
Nether Earth |
Nigel Mansell Grand Prix |
Night Breed |
Ninja |
Ninja Hamster |
Ninja Massacre |
Ninja Master |
Ninja Spirit |
Nonterraqueous |
Obliterator |
Ocean All Star Hits |
Off Shore Warrior |
.gif) |
Oh Mummy |
Olli & Lissa - The Ghost of Shilmoore Castle |
Operation Wolf |
Orphee - Le voyage aux enfers |
Out Run |
Out Run Europa |
Overlander |
P47 - Thunderbolt |
Pac-Land |
PacMania |
Panzadrome |
Paperboy |
Park Patrol |
Passing Shot |
Pictionary |
Pink Panther |
Pipe Mania |
Pirates ! |
Power Drift |
PP8 |
Predator |
Pro Golf |
Pro Power Boat Simulator |
Professional Ski Simulator |
Professional Snooker Simulator |
Prohibition |
Puzznic |
Pyjamarama |
Qabbalah |
Quack A Jack |
Quad |
Radzone |
Raging Beast |
Raid !!! |
Rainbow Islands |
Rally II |
Rambo |
Rambo III |
.gif) |
Rampage |
Rana Rama |
Rastan |
Realm |
Rebel Star |
Red Arrows |
Red Hawk |
Redcoats |
Renegade |
Renegade III |
.gif) |
Return of the Jedi |
Revolution |
Road Runner |
Roadblasters |
.gif) |
Rock'n Wrestle |
Rod Land |
Rogue Trooper |
Roland Ahoy ! |
Roland in the Caves |
Roland in times |
Roland on the Ropes |
Rolling Thunder |
.gif) |
.gif) |
Rygar |
Saboteur! |
Sabre Wulf |
Samantha Fox Strip Poker |
Sapiens |
SAS Combat Simulator |
Scooby-Doo |
Shadow Dancer |
Shadow Skimmer |
Shadow Warriors |
Shaolins Road |
Sherman M4 |
Shinobi |
.gif) |
Short's Fuse |
.gif) |
Side Arms |
Sigma 7 |
Sikworm |
Silent Service |
Skull & Crossbones |
Skweek |
Skyfox |
Slap Fight |
Slapshot |
Sly Spy - Secret Agent |
.gif) |
Solomon's Key |
Sorcery |
.gif) |
Sorcery + |
.gif) |
Soul of a robot |
Space Harrier |
Space Harrier 2 |
Spannerman |
Speed King |
Spellbound |
Spiky Harold |
Spindizzy |
Spitfire 40 |
Spy vs Spy 2 - The Island Caper |
St Dragon |
Stainless Steel |
Star Firebirds |
Star Raider 2 |
Star Wars |
Starion |
Starstrike II |
Steve Davis Snooker |
Stockmarket |
Storm |
Stormlord |
Street Fighter |
Street Hawk |
Strider |
Strider 2 |
Subsunk |
Subway Vigilante |
Sultan's Maze |
Super Cycle |
Super Gran |
Super Hang On |
Super Monaco GP |
Super Pipeline 2 |
Super Robin Hood |
Super Space Invaders |
Super Stunt Man |
Super Tank Simulator |
Super Trux |
Sweevo's World |
Tai Pan |
Tank Commander |
Target Renegade |
.gif) |
Tarzan |
Tau Ceti |
Technician Ted - The Chip Factory |
Techno Cop |
Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles |
.gif) |
.gif) |
Tempest |
Tennis 3D |
Terminator 2 |
Tetris |
Thanatos |
The Apprentice |
The Boggit - Bored Too |
The Caves of Doom |
The Colour of MAGIC |
The curse if Sherwood |
The Dambusters |
The Deep |
The Devil s Crown |
The Eidolon |
The Empire Strikes Back |
The Fear - Storm 2 |
The Flinstones |
The Fury |
The Galactic Plague |
The Games - Winter Edition |
.gif) |
The Goonies |
The Jewels of Babylon |
The Last V8 |
The Living Daylights |
The Newzealand Story |
The Real GhostBusters |
The Rocky Horror Show |
The Sacred Armour of Antiriad |
The Train |
The Tripods |
The Untouchables |
The way of the exploding fist |
The way of the tiger |
They Sold a Million |
They Sold a Million 2 |
They Sold a Million 3 |
Thing Bounces Back |
Thing on a spring |
Think! |
Three Weeks in Paradise |
Thrust 2 |
Thunder Blade |
Thunder Zone |
Thundercats |
Tiger Road |
Timeman One |
Titan |
Tomcat |
Toobin' |
Top Gun |
Tour de force |
Toyota Celica Rally |
Trailblazer |
Transmuter |
Trantor - The last Stormtrooper |
Trap |
Turbo Esprit |
Turbo Out Run |
Turrican |
Tusker |
Typhoon |
Ultima Ratio |
UN Squadron |
Vendetta |
.gif) |
Victory Road |
Vigilante |
Vindicators |
Volley Ball |
War in the middle earth |
Warrior |
Who dares win 2 |
Wibstars |
Winter Games |
Winter Sports |
Wizard Warz |
Wonder Boy |
World Cup |
World Series Baseball |
Xanagrams |
XCel |
Xenon |
Xevious |
Xybots |
Yabba Dabba Doo! |
Yie Ar Kung-Fu |
Yie Ar Kung-Fu 2 |
Zoids |
Zorro |
Zub |
zVrac - Morceaux dépareillés |