I'm just a bit older...and a collector too !
Few new things... However, I did the traditional update (every 5 years) of my age and my home studio gear which is more a vintage collection than a real Home Studio ! But I have a new Kawai K5, an SPX90 and an AKG 190E: I’m back in 80’s :)
go to about me page
Update of the My Cab' page
I made a small update of the configuration of my arcade machine and a general plan of how it works.
go to my Cab' page
Host change
Change of host and domain name. All links and downloads work again.
The new one is (https) : change your bookmarks !
2006 DC Project Theme
In 2006, after DreamCPC and small projects, I started a slightly more important game project for Dreamcast which was a Tetris clone. For various reasons, but mainly the lack of time following my first child, this project was never finished despite many months of work.
I composed the first version of the musical theme that I share today.
Site update
As every 5 years, I update the "about me" so that my age is closer to reality :). I also touched 2 or 3 stuff here and there.
go to about me page
My Cab'
I tell you in a few images and short texts how I was able to transform my arcade terminal into Mame Cab with my favorite games!.
go to my Cab' page
A new pictures section
Added a new section that contains some pictures reworked by me and therefore the source comes from scans or files found on the internet.
go to the pictures page
An Amiga old compositions
Few months ago, I transferred my old Amiga 2000 hard drives to PC to clone it with WinUAE.
I dug and found many thinks made near 25 years ago. I particularly found more than 200 Startrekker modules composed between 1990 and 1994.
Here is Convention (made 1994-04-28).
And Arkanoid Dreams (made 1992-11-23).
8 new Gem S2 Programs for Alesis Fusion
I add to the Alesis Fusion page, 8 programs sampled from my GEM S2.
Programs are : Anl_Voice, Choir, GrandPiano, Lyricon00, Panflute, Syn_Bass1, Syn_Bass2, Syn_Horns
go to the Fusion page
Fusion Bank Maker 0.8
I updated the Fusion bank maker with a lot of improvements.
Much of the application has been rewritten to fix bugs or improve treatments. The interface has also been changed slightly.
The two most important new features are the ability to create programs such Drums and multisample.
Finally, four new tutorials explain how to use the great features of FBM
go to the FBM page
JMD2 - 13 Alesis Fusions programs
I add 13 new Alesis Fusions programs in the fusion page.
It is a compilation of several sounds I made these last year from my collection of synths (K4, WS ...).
I'm pretty proud of it ;)
go to the Fusion page
Akai ME80P

To manage my different synths, I bought an Akai Midi Patch Bay ME80P. I have only found on the Internet a manual in English so I decided to translate it into French. I tried to keep the original layout. I added a page dedicated to ME80P where you can download it.
go to the Akai ME80P page
Fusion Bank Maker
FBR (Fusion Bank Rename) updated to correct Win XP bug.
go to the FBM page
Fusion Bank Maker
FBR (Fusion Bank Rename) is a convenient but incomplete and buggy application. So I decided, some months ago, to reprogram more efficiently and with an interface. FBM (Fusion Bank Maker) was born, although in draft, is already much more powerful than its predecessor.
You can compile several banks into a single, edit its categories or create a list of sounds in the Fusion.
I hope that eventually it will much more but I am proud to present this first version that I was asked a lot of work.
go to the FBM page
Donation button
I added a button to make a donation.
Indeed, the different things you find on this site take me some time and entail some costs.
If you like my work or that you regularly use a program or sound from this site, make a donation in the amount you want. This will encourage me and allow me to invest in new equipment
Fusion Bank Rename
FBR is a little dos tool to patch programs & multisamples files to force the banks names
go to the FBR page
Site update
The "about me" had more than 5 years old and was mostly out of date. I have rewritten to make it more relevant.
Fusion Drum Kit Builder Tutorial
I wrote a little exemple of how to use FDKB (here is the same in french)
go to the FDKB page
Fusion Drum Kit Builder
Add a little tool to create Fusion Drums kit programs directly on PC using Wave files.It's the first release, minimaly tested so please give me feedback.
go to the FDKB page
Add 5 drums kits for Alesis Fusion
I add to the Alesis Fusion page, 5 drums kits sampled from my GEM S2 released in january on the Audiofanzine forum.
go to the Fusion page
Minor clean up
I made a little clean up, fixed some dead link and removed obsoletes things.
General Music S2
You can find today a new menu entry for General Music S2 workstation.
I scanned the french manual of the S2 non turbo model.
go to the S2 page
Alesis Fusion update
I updated the K4-JMD Fusion bank and add 9 new programs.
go to the Fusion page
Roland D-50
You can find today a new menu entry for Roland D-50 synth.
At first, I posted the french manuals worked for few internet source to be ready to print.
go to the D50 page
Happy Hour
I'm father :).
and again ....
Welcome to Alice & Elise.
Alesis Fusion
You can find today a new menu entry for a Alesis Fusion synth.
I will post on this page sounds or tools for the Fusion.
Today, I post 26 programs build with the K4 waveforms
go to the Fusion page
Amstrad section Update
With more than 130 games on the site, it was time to update the Amstrad section.
I kept the 80' looking but add a menu, filters on the list and a page about my CPCs.
go to my online Amstrad game collection
Site Update
I added an Amstrad section with a link to my online game collection (in french).
I also made a little update and clean up on few others pages.
go to my online Amstrad game collection
Update the S760 Freeware CDRom
I added to the CDRom, 3 news volumes from VST synth : GH:NoteGraphica, SW8:SuperWave P8, DRC:Drumatic and 5 news patches to the Kawai volume.
There is some wavetable pad, some synth strings and vintages drums synth kits.
I spent a lot of time doing some of theses sounds: I hope you will like ;)
The CDRom include now 10 volumes, 93 patches and 562 samples (636.8 sc).
go to the S760 Freeware CDRom section
Added the S760 Freeware CDRom section
I compiled some of my S760 samples on a CDRom. I made all the samples and I release it as Freeware.
The CDRom include 62 patches in 7 Volumes (309.2 sc of samples).
go to the S760 Freeware CDRom section
UPDATE S760 Chicken Translator Disk image fixer 1.2
Update S760CTDIF to v1.2. This version add files rename and try to correct the loop points.
go to the S760 section
S760 : Analog Bass - 13 synthetic Bass
Added a S760 disk with 13 synthetic Bass made by playing with S760 filters.
Need 2.1sc of ram and 1 HD floppy.
go to the S760 section
S760 : Kawai K4 - Synthetic Sample disk 1
Added a S760 disk with 4 synthetic patchs sampled from my Kawai K4R.
Need 13.6sc of ram and 1 HD floppy.
go to the S760 section
S760 : U220 Drum Kit Sample disk
Add the Roland U220 and Yamaha Electone HS5 samples disk in the S760 section.
go to the S760 section
S760 : Kawai K4 Drum Kit Sample disk
Few months ago, I bought a vintage Kawai K4R expander.
I sampled the drum Kit and build a S760 Patch. All the kit is included: 58 samples from C1 to C6. The patch needs 18sc of ram and 2 HD floppy.
go to the S760 section
New S760 tools section
The S760 is a 'vintage' Roland sampler. I use it for many years and I really love it.
The only pbm is that's disk file system isn't standard : I will try to do few tools for a easier conversion S760<-> PC
The first tool is S760CTDIF v1.0 : S760 Chicken Translator Disk image fixer.
This tool let’s you fix Roland disk image generated with Chicken Translator 1.04 to be readable on a S760.
go to the S760 section
Quick Update
Add the nice Game Freaks 365 Maqiupai review link to the maqiupai page
Welcome Maxime
Today is a great day !! I'm father :).
My new synth
I just buy a Kawai K4-R, a old synthetizer module (1988). Most presets sound very cheap but some are really interesting. I find it very complex to edit : will have to learn :).
Site Open ...
I wanted create a web page with information about my work and me for a long time but I haven’t enough time (and motivation) to do it.
Now, it’s done. Of course it’s only a beginning because it’s far from finished but there is the core :).
English isn’t my native language so if you find some very strange things, please let me know.